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Drop-In Classes - $20 tax included. (Teachers receive 50% OFF!)

30 min.

Cash, Check, or Venmo ONLY.

Rain or Shine

Soccer Fields @ Freedom Park 
1310 County Road CC 
New Richmond, WI 54020
*2 weeks will be virtual


Boot Camp is a short but very difficult workout. It involves a series of high-intensity exercise sequences designed to strengthen your whole body. This may sound intimidating, but don’t worry. Everyone has a starting point and you can work at your own pace. Learning the correct form, competing with yourself, and getting stronger is the desired goal.

June, July, and August rain or shine Freedom Park in New Richmond, WI (use North entrance). High-intensity style 30-minute workout. Come early and stay late to do dynamic stretching on your own. Bring your own 10lb and 20lb kettlebell (or dumbbells) to each class. *Amazon has good prices for KB. Make sure you label your equipment. 


- Come early and stay late for dynamic stretching on your own
- Be prepared to work hard for 30 minutes
- Workout of the Day style workouts. 
- I will send you the workout ahead of time
so you are able to research any moves you are not familiar with. 
- Label your gear!

Summer Boot Camp - Drop-In Classes


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